Dermatological conditions suck. They really suck. They destroy your confidence. It’s not your fault. COUNTER-OFFENSIVE think any negative thing in the world, even things like ACNE can be countered into something positive. What’s the harm in trying?

What if we turned SKIN conditions into art?

Send COUNTER-OFFENSIVE pics of your affliction and we will send it back to you as ART


Who knows, maybe one day it might be worth something. Prob not though. And the universe will have paid you back in COLD HARD CASH.

COUNTER-OFFENSIVE can’t imagine the pain and distress these afflictions cause you.

COUNTER-OFFENSIVE know a piece of art won’t fix your suffering, but COUNTER-OFFENSIVE is trying its best.

Our thoughts are with you.

COUNTER-OFFENSIVE know this collage image approach is fairly familiar but we’re working at speed.. With time we might go back into this project and create something from scratch. Using real skin.

There is no diversity in the ancient dermatological textbook we used for this example of skin art. There will be when we get round to making the real thing…


Skin Art extends to PAIN ART.

COUNTER-OFFENSIVE believes everything happens for a reason. He has been through immense, blackout inducing pain a number of times.

(get the violins out)

COUNTER-OFFENSIVE will endure ANY pain for his art. Bring it, COUNTER-OFFENSIVE will make it hysterical.

Send COUNTER-OFFENSIVE your most painful memories and we'll turn them into art. FOR FREE. We hope you've made, or are making a full recovery.



Counterfeit Offensive
